I had to get up at 7 to be at a choir practice by 8. But I woke up at 6 cuz I thought it was 7. It was so stupid! So now I'm kinda tired!
Tonight my family and I are going to the Ryan Shupe & the Rubberband and James Conlee concert. I'm so excited!
This is Ryan Shupe & the Rubberband and. . .

This is Ryan Shupe & the Rubberband and. . .

this is James Conlee.
Hmmm. . . oh ya! I thought it would be a good to tell you that I don't have a crush on Fred anymore. If I ever talk about the guy I like now, I'll call him Frank. (That's for future reference.)I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I have written a bunch of songs and my mom is trying to find a place where I can record them to a Cd. Well, my dad had the idea that I should put them on my blog whenever that happens. So, someday you might see some songs by me on here! (Don't get too excited. It's not going to happen for a while.)
Do any of you have any Christmas ideas that I can give to my parents? I REALLY want an electric guitar. But I doubt I'm going to get that. So ideas would be very much appreciated.
Uh. . . What else. . . ?
Well, we got all our Christmas stuff put up! I had to do the Christmas tree by myself because Spencer wasn't here to do the lights part. Then I decorated it and I tried to do it all professionally and make it look all fashion-ish, but it didn't really work. Lol. It just looks like a normal Christmas tree, nothing spectacular. Here it is!
Ain't it perdy?

Lol. Well, I think I'm done for today. So I'll talk to ya guys later! And please don't forget to vote for your favorite actor!
Remember: There is no such thing as a bad day. . . only bad moments. Take my day for example; This morning was terrible, having to wake up early. But once I got to the thing and saw my friends, it got all better. Now I can say that I'm having a good day so far.
Love you all!
Remember: There is no such thing as a bad day. . . only bad moments. Take my day for example; This morning was terrible, having to wake up early. But once I got to the thing and saw my friends, it got all better. Now I can say that I'm having a good day so far.
Love you all!