

"The Final Judgment is not just an evaluation of a sum total of good and evil acts--what we have done. It is an acknowledgement of the final effect of our acts and thoughts-- what we have become." - Elder Dallin H. Oaks

The Bucket List

I have a bucket list. I mean, most people do, right? Well, here's a portion of mine.

- Travel the world and experience new cultures and people.
- Find my true love.
- After completing the one previous, be taken by him to the middle of no where and be asked to dance as the radio plays.
- Learn to like avocados. I like most foods, but this is the one that gets me.
- Eat starfruit.
- Chalk a round about, or an underground parking garage.
- Meet the blonde guy from the band, One Direction, because, let's be honest... he's super attractive.
- Hike the Y to watch the sunset.
- Put someone's stapler in jello.
- Complete a 100 mile bike race.
- Run a 5k without dying! I do not like running, and that needs to change.
- At least once, become tan without burning first.
- Learn to play a hymn that has more than one sharp or flat.
- Go on a date with Jon Schmidt's son, Spencer.
- Find the door to Narnia!
- Be serenaded by someone, preferably someone like Josh Groban...
- World peace. What more need be said?
- Teach everyone in the world how to pray.

There's a lot more, and I'll add on to this list as I find more dreams to be had. :)

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