

"The Final Judgment is not just an evaluation of a sum total of good and evil acts--what we have done. It is an acknowledgement of the final effect of our acts and thoughts-- what we have become." - Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Friday, October 31, 2008


Hello all!
So you might have noticed my last post. Wasn't it wicked? lol. If you want to vote, it's on the right side of that post.
You might also have noticed that I put some Christmas songs on my playlist. It's almost Christmas! I'm so excited! Oh and speaking of holidays, happy Halloween everyone! My mom said that I'm too old to g trick or treating, so I just get the leftovers, and if any of you want to share you candy. . . well I'm open to donations. JK. Keep your candy and have fun getting cavities!
Yesterday my mom took me to look at electric guitars and I found one that comes with a case, an amp, headphones, a tuner, an instructional dvd, and a guitar strap. And the guitar is dark blue and shimmery! It's so amazing! It will cost me $279 but it's a great beginners guitar, and it's good quality and it comes with all the stuff! I am trying to save up money for it. I have $80 so far. So ya.
Shad and this kid named Matt Jensen gave me half of a pie from McDonald's today. I'll tell you the whole story. So the other day, I went to Seminary and the tardy bell was about to ring. I knew Shad and Matt were at school so I texted Shad and told him that he'd better not be sluffing cuz I'd tell Brother Woodward (our teacher). So Shad and Matt came to class and they told me that they were going to sluff and go get pie but they couldn't cuz I was going to rat out on them. Then they were fake mad at me for the rest of the day. The next time we had Seminary, Shad and Matt got there early, and they started walking out of the classroom before the tardy bell rang. I asked them where they were going and they said that they were off to McDonald's to get me some pie. So I told them that I wouldn't tell Brother Woodward because it was for me. They faked guilty and went sadly back to their little seats. So today Shad and Matt came in to Seminary, and Shad presented me with half a apple cinnamon pie from McDonald's. I said what's this for, and he replied that it was a peace offering to me so that I wouldn't be mad at them anymore. I laughed and said thanks. So after class started, Matt asked Shad if he'd given me the pie, then looked at me and asked if it was good. I told him that I was saving it for the bus ride home. He proceeded to inform me that he thought the things were disgusting and that I should remember that it's the thought that counts. I then told him that the things was like an inch and a half long so I wouldn't suffer too much if it was gross. He laughed and agreed. So ya. There you go!
Right now I'm in charge of passing out candy. It was the funniest thing just a few minutes ago. A guy in our ward, Brother Taylor, brought his three s to get candy. Anika was a horse, Sasha was a princess, and Camille and Brother Taylor were clowns. They had the outfits and the rainbow fros. Lol. They were so rad!
Hmmmm. . . what else to say. . . . . Oh yes! I just ate a Now and Later and it got all stuck to my teeth. I don't think those things are meant to be chewed. Lol. I think a lot of people probably could have told me that about thirty seconds ago. Have you noticed that almost every person who follows all of the rules of braces get brackets and stuff broken off, but people like me who break all of the rules of braces, have never broken off a bracket or anything? I think that's kind of ironic, but whatever.
My Auny Eileen is going to come over later to watch a movie. I don't even know what we'll be watching, but I'm guessing it'll be good! I love Halloween you guys. It's so amazing! Do you know how much candy is consumed on Halloween every year by kids in the US? I don't either. If you find out, tell me cuz I'm to lazy to find out for myself.
My mom is eating avocado. That is so disgusting. Avocado is in guacemale and that stuff almost made me throw up the other day. So I it! But it's okif you like it. People like different things and that's fine.
Well, I seriously can think of nothing else, pointless or otherwise, to say.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

We interrupt our normally scheduled blog to bring you: (Note that Rachel Covert's writing is in gray, and Lauren's is in green and Rachel pretending to be Lauren is in purple.)
The Current State of the Union
with your host, Rachel Covert. (Accompanied by Lauren Heperi. :D)

(Wtf???? What's with the Christmas colors? That's messed!! It's not even Halloween yet!!!!)
Lauren is the hottest, most desirable, prettiest, spunkiest, funniest, cutest, and all around best person in the world. (No, the entire universe!!!!!!) She's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than all those other crazy s at Provo High and she doesn't need a guy to make her happy. (So take that crazy people.)

And Lauren also thinks that her Sophomore year is exactly like her first grade year. Everyone is running around and kissing each other. It's weird....
Lauren also is obsessed with boys. She told me so herself. But just now she told me that she's not. So now I'm confused....again.
I would also like to mention Lauren's gorgeous, naturally curly hair which she doesn't appreciate. But everyone else on this planet wishes that they had it. So Lauren, shut up. You have amazing hair.
It may also be relevent to say that Lauren, who may not be as brown as Devin, is quite as accomplished as he is. I mean come on. It took him 10 stupid minutes to think of a come back. It wasn't even a good one, but he thought it was pretty good so ya.
And, going to our reporter, Lauren Heperi, who is out in the field right now. Lauren?
Why thank you Rachel. And, might I add, that while Devin (who wishes he was as cool as I am) may be browner than me on the outside, on the inside he is just a greenie. :D (In other words, he has no idea what it really means to be polynesian.) And.... moving on. :D
As it was previously said, I am NOT obsessed with boys. Like I said, Sophomore year is a lot like first grade, and I'm pretty convinced that all the boys at our school have cooties. (I mean, come on. It's either that or they have rabies...) And, that concludes this edition of....
See ya next time folks!! :D
(Lauren would also like to add that she is prettier than all the freshman s. :D)
(Rachel would like to reply to that by saying that she isn't. I am prettier than all the freshman, Junior, ans Senior s. Lauren, you can just over rule the Sophmores. ok? I think that's pretty much settled.)
(Ha. You suck at typing. That has to prove I'm prettier, smarter, and funnier. :D Maybe you should start a new poll of who people think are prettier. I'd win. :D And, it's Sophomores, moron!! ((I mean, really nice, nice who feeds me after school. :D)) And that settles it. :D)
(I don't care how you spell it. You knew what I meant. You're right. I do suck at typing. But it's ok. That's why you love me. jk. This is fun, I'm making you wait forever while I try to type something. (notice the word "try") It also needs be said that you don't know how to remember names. Lol. It's funny how you can't remember the name of the guy I like. You thought it was Tabias Griner. :D You're sad. I like the idea of the poll. We'll put you, me, Devin, and Mikel on there. Just for kicks. I would laugh if one of the boys won.)
(Lauren died, because Rachel took so long typing that. And Devin wouldn't win. Neither would Mikel. I WOULD WIN!!!!!!! And that's the end of it. ((And if Devin was pretty, that'd mean he was femmy, and that'd scare me.)) So there. But, now I have to go to piano. ((cough, cough, sucks, cough)) Tootles!!)
*the/hottest/girl/in/school has signed off*
(Uh Lauren, I beg to differ on that point. I actually believe that I am going to win! After all, this is my blog, and I run it. I am the one that puts on all the wicked pictures and does that awesome background and everything like that. So that obviously prooves that I am going to win. And I thought it might be good to point out that I have the most amazing braces smile in the universe. So that totally makes the score 1 million - 0, and I'm the one winning. Lol)
(Oh Rachel! I totally agree with you. I mean, you are obviously the better one of the two of us. I'm beautiful and smart and funny, but you are all these things and more! You are organized, dependable, you give food to the needy (me!), amazing, and unbelievable! I could never be all these things. :D)
(Oh stop it Lauren! You're making me blush! I may be better at somethings, but you are so much better at something than I am. You are great at making sarcastic comments, you don't fear anything, you are so stubborn (in a good way, like you never give into anything that you don't want to do). I could never be as good as you are at those things.)
(You know Rachel, you are right about that. I am stubborn, but you've sure changed my mind about the results of this poll. I now realize that you are the obvious winner. So therefore, I have nothing more to say on this matter. I have spoken: RACHEL COVERT WILL WIN!!!!)
(I'm glad you've had a change of heart.)
*the/hottest/girl/in/the/universe has signed off*

Thanks for reading this STATE OF THE UNION broadcast

Please note that the views expressed on this program were strictly those of the reporters, and not of blogspot.com.
When voting, please take into account the comments of the candidates.