Ok. Now let's get to the fun part. This idea takes more effort, but it can be more fun and rewarding. This part is the part where we reuse! To put this idea into affect, it requires creativity, perhaprs some scissors or glue, and maybe a Pinterest account. You wouldn't believe what crazy, yet simple, ideas that people come up with! Rather than reusing, a lot of people call this process, upcycling. It's just what it sounds like. You're taking something and sprucing it up to put it through another cycle of life as something new and improved! If you read my post about turning a lightbulb into a hanging vase, well, that was upcycling. It was fun, and when I was done, I had something new and interesting! On Pinterest you can find all sorts of ways to upcycle just about anything. A few pluses to upcycling are that it is usually free or very cheap, it reduces waste, and it engages the mind!
Alright. Let's review what we've learned, shall we? So. What does it mean to recycle? To recycle means to turn something into something new! An example would be melting plastic bottles and turning them into new ones. To reduce means to minimize or decrease the amount of waste we produce or throw away. Refill your plastic water bottle a few times instead of just picking up a new one every time you've finished chugging that H2O. And, last but not least, reuse or upcycle! Turn your trash into something new and exciting! Now that you've learned more about recycling, I urge you to follow THIS LINK and say that you visited my recycling blog post. I am trying to raise awareness about recycling, and, in the process, am hoping to receive some scholarship money. Thanks for taking the time to read my post!
PS. When you click on the link, it will take you to an ink cartridge website. That's ok! This is what should happen. You don't need to click on anything else. Simply go to the link. Thank you so much! :)