Yesterday, I worked! Alexis and I made a trip to Walmart during my morning job, and we acquired the container we needed to finish up our project. During my afternoon job, I actually answered the phone! I was kind of afraid... But actually, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I'm starting to feel more comfortable with that job. :)
Last night Lauren and I went to the mall to scout out some running apparel, and to just kick back and try some fun stuff on. We found ourselves at Forever 21... Yep. We forgot that this particular store has clothing designed to fit only those who are extremely thin and who lack certain... curvy... features. Ha ha needless to say, we had an interesting time there. We tried on these rather hideous fur coats, and I took a picture, but Lauren has forbidden me from putting it online anywhere, and because I'm so nice, I won't. After our adventures at the mall, we headed over to Macey's to buy some fruit to make smoothies after our run. Lauren found a magazine that had a special edition about our favorite boy band, One Direction!! While I was using my fruit picking skills to choose a deliciously ripened pineapple, Lauren was looking through this magazine and showing me every single attractive picture she found, and was reading all of the funny articles. I was too focused on my fruit to care much. Finally, she showed me what I wanted. Niall Horan.

Ha ha ok. Anyway, we managed to leave Macey's with pineapple and frozen peaches. When we got home, we went on a late night run! You know, I'm actually starting to look forward to running everyday. I never thought I'd say this, but... I actually like it. Whoa. So we ran on that newish road that breaks off of Center Street and has a bridge that goes over the river. Um... there are no street lights down there. Don't go there after 9:30. It's not good for you. Actually, it was beautiful. The fields of tall grass were blowing in the breeze, and it was super warm, and there were stars and city lights in the distance, and the sky was kind of purpleish blue. So go there... just not by yourself. :)
When we returned from our journey of cardio, we went to Walmart for my mom. She need something for primary. A trash can, actually. We went, and we found a trash can.
"Am I confused?" Nub.
"Your head isn't big enough!" Tub.
We walked around Walmart with these fashionable headdresses adorning our crowns. We were there after 11 at night. What else is to be expected by a couple of young adult women? On our way home we drove out by the lake to look at the fires that have been raging this past while. Goodness! You can see them from this far away! We are praying for those who are fighting those fires, and we pray for their families as well.
The lake is beautiful at night, and... Ah. I just love nature in all its glory. :)
When we returned to my place of residence, we made midnight smoothies!! :)
Pineapple Strawberry Peach Lime Smoothies
(Makes 2 generous servings)
2 cups of fresh chopped pineapple
1 1/2 cups of fresh stemmed strawberries
1/2 bag frozen peaches
Juice from 1 small lime
Handful of ice
Blend and be happy.
Anyhow, last night was fantastic, and was extremely eventful... and I think that Lauren and I should send apology notes to the poor girl who was manning the dressing rooms at Forever 21. Don't forget to enjoy life and tell the ones you love that you love them. It's important.
PS. Recipe for this morning's breakfast smoothie
Strawberry Banana Peach Orange Smoothie
1 1/2 cups fresh strawberries
1/2 bag frozen peaches
1 banana
Juice from 1 large orange
1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
Handful of ice
Blend and have joy.