Oh my gosh! That concert was sooo amazing! I loved it!
Tomorrow I have spanish, and I think we're getting the scores for our test that we took last time. Hopefully I did ok!!
I really have nothing to say, but, I have no life so I blog! Lol.
Uh. . . . hope you're all having a good Christmas season! If any of you have facebook, you might have read that I think that Christmas time is one of my favorite times of the year. If you saw that, then you also saw that I love scenty pine cones! We have them in our kitchen, and it smells exactly how I think Christmas should smell! I wanted Loryn to smell one the other day, so I ally shoved it in her face pretty much. Sorry about that! I just wanted you to love them as much as I do as soon as possible. So to get it to your face really fast, I kinda threw it at you. Please forgive me!
Today I also realized how much I love gummy bears! They are so yummy! I especially like the green and red ones! If you don't like them, well shame shame!
I also started to like cinnamon gum last Sunday. Sister Heperi gave me some and it was actually really good! Boy have I been missing out or what?
I also realized how very much I enjoy Christmas music! It is so pretty and uplifting! I love it!
Wow. This week had shed a lot of light on my likes and dislikes. Lol, I've changed a lot in 7 days! Jk
Hey Loryn, remember that one time you came to my house, and Susie and Rachel and I had put my baby doll on that crutch or whatever? We swore to you that Spencer had done it, and when you asked him he totally went along with it. Lol. That was a good day. Were you there when "Chad ate the last creamie!"? Or when I popped that stress ball and started to cry cuz I was embarrassed and it got in my eye? Or when I got rid of my lizards, so we had to get rid of all the crickets and we ally let them out all over the garage? I swear I could hear one in the wall for weeks after. Lol, and remember when we had that birthday party at my house and we came up with all these names for everyone? Boston was Miss Spaghetti, I was Casandra Day, and you were like Princess Lola. We thought that we were so clever. Lol, ok this is the best one. I don't remember if you were there. It was after Rachel and Susie had moved in, but we couldn't go swimming one day so we tried to make a swimming pool out of poles, a tarp, rocks, and bunjie cords. Lol You can imagine how that worked out. It didn't work. I seriously wonder how my parents have put up with me all these years. I could go on and on about all the stupid things we've done. Lol. Sorry if you weren't there for some of the things I mentioned, but I can't remember who was where when. So ya.
Lol. Let's think o some more recent memories. . . Lol once Susie was over here and I had shaving cream on my desk and she thought it was air freshener. And once we had an air freshener fight (obviously my mom wasn't home). We each had like 3 cans of air freshener and we were chasing each other around, spraying them. You can imagine what my mom thought about that when she got home. Ha ha ha! I just remembered one. It was a couple weeks before Mother's Day. . . I think it was this year. . . anyway, and Rachel and I were hanging out. We had called Susie and we were waiting for her to come over to my house. The doorbell rang and, thinking it was Susie, (this is classic) I opened the door and hid behind it. Well, I stood there for a minute and after about 15 seconds I heard someone say "hello?". Well, I looked around the door and a guy was standing there, bringing something over for my dad. I was already embarrassed enough, when Rachel make everything worse by running to the door yelling "SUSIE!! YOU'RE HERE!!" Then she saw that it wasn't Susie and her face went all red, and she ran for it into the kitchen. I think the guy was trying really hard not to bust out laughing, but he gave me the thing and he hurried to his car. Maybe he was trying to get away as quickly as possible. Lol. Anyway, I amaze myself that I haven't died of embarrassment yet.
Well, I think that's good for now. I'll just leave you with this picture. Once, Susie and I dressed up and posed for pictures and. . . well, we thought we were pretty cool. Lol.

Well, thanks for reading my blog! If there's any specific topic you want me to blog about, well, just leave a comment and I will. Lol. Love you all!