Hey guys! I wrote this story in CompTech. Hope you like it!
Once upon a time, there was a water droplet named Eliza. She had long blonde pigtails, hazel eyes, and a bright, positive outlook on life. She had just finished college, and was ready to work as a RainDrop.
Today she was excited because it was her first day as a RainDrop. In school, she had studied all the different lands down on the earth. She had researched every land from Japan to South Africa, but the place that had intrigued her most was Utah. This wonderful land was a desert, so they could really use her there. She felt that launching her career in that dry place would be a great experience.
Today was the day that she would leave the cloud of RainyDay, and pursue her dream. Eliza had twenty minutes before she needed to be at the ThunderStorm station, so she decided to go and say goodbye to her best friend, Cali.
Eliza splashed out into the street and flowed with the crowd until she arrived at Cali’s house.
“Hey Cali!” Eliza said when Cali had opened the door.
“Hi Eliza!” replied Cali.
“I’m going to Utah for the first time in just a few minutes. I just came to say goodbye.”
“Oh. I’m so excited for you!” Cali cried with happiness. “I’ll miss you! I’m going to Australia, so I might not be here when you get back.”
“Well good luck!” Eliza said.
“You too!” Cali returned. “You know the cycle. We won’t be gone too long.”
“That’s right!” Eliza agreed. “We’ll see each other really soon.”
“Yep! Bye Eliza!”
“Bye!” called Eliza as she flowed away with the crowd again.
When Eliza arrived at the ThunderStorm station, she saw a large number of RainDrops crowded around the holes in the misty ground. She hung back, watching how the others did it so that she wouldn’t mess up. She was just about to have second thoughts, when a voice behind her said, “It’s not as hard as it looks.”
Eliza turned around. The voice had come from a young man, maybe a couple of years older than her.
“Oh ya?” Eliza said. “And who says I don’t know how to do it?”
The man laughed, “Well, the fact that you have a terrified look on your face says it all. Oh, and you’re being really defensive about it,” he added.
Eliza blushed a dark blue. “I have to admit that it does look hard.”
“There’s nothing to it!” he reassured her. “I’m Danny by the way.”
Eliza smiled. “Eliza. So want go give me some tips?”
Danny grinned. “Sure Eliza! Here’s the trick: you’re going to want to jump through the hole like you’re diving, then spin as you go through the air. This will make it so that when you fall, you will roll instead of splatter. It’s not too hard I promise. Want me to go first so you can watch me?”
“Sure,” Eliza said, trying to sound confident. It was finally their turn and they were standing by the farthest hole on the right.
Danny smiled up at Eliza. “You watching?”
“Yep,” replied Eliza. “Go ahead!”
Danny gave her one last look, took a deep breath then, he dove into the hole. Eliza watched as he plummeted downward, spinning faster and faster. She watched until she couldn’t see him anymore, then took in a breath and she dove.
Faster and faster she went. Down, down, down! She started to spin speeding up more and more until she thought she would possibly fling apart. Before she knew it, she was on the ground. She had expected it to hurt, but instead, she seemed to gently tap the earth and she somersaulted gracefully a couple of inches before stopping. She lay on the ground trying to take in the glorious sight around her. There were RainDrops falling everywhere, touching the ground softly like a feather. She noticed that as more and more RainDrops covered the earth, the ones that were still falling would bounce slightly when they landed.
“So, how was it?”
Eliza looked up to see Danny smiling down at her. “It was incredible!” Eliza said. “I wasn’t even scared! It was actually kind of fun!”
“Well,” laughed Danny. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”
Danny’s dark hair was blowing in the breeze, his blue eyes shining with the thrill of falling hundreds of feet through the air. Eliza couldn’t help but notice his deep, soothing voice, and his happy personality that made it easy for him to laugh.
“What?” Eliza said, jolting awake from her trance.
“Are. . .you okay?” Danny asked, sounding concerned.
“What? Oh ya, I’m fine,” Eliza replied, embarrassed.
“Okay. Well, now we’re supposed to stand close to each other and hold hands.”
“What?!” Eliza asked, thinking he meant just the two of them, although, she didn’t really mind the idea.
“Our job is to stand next to each other, hold hands and jump,” Danny said, noticing the confused look in her eyes. “We need to try to get moisture into the ground, and the only way to do that is to jump. Ready?”
“Yes,” Eliza replied, embarrassed, but a little sad that he hadn’t meant what she had thought he had meant. She took hold of his outstretched hand, and the hand of a neighboring RainDrop and they began to jump along with everyone else.
The more and more they did it, the softer the ground became. As Eliza looked up toward the sky, she saw that RainDrops were still falling, and as she looked around, she saw them bouncing and rolling, and starting to jump. Finally, the ground was so soft, that they couldn’t jump anymore. So they all clapped and cheered because their job was done. Finally, the last RainDrops fell and they all sat down to rest. Sun became visible, shining through RainyDay as LightRays began to shoot toward them.
They picked up the RainDrops and started rising up, taking them back to RainyDay. Two LightRays fell gently beside Eliza and Danny, picked them up, and slowly began to take them back home. Eliza’s LightRay was named Makayla, and Danny’s was a LightRay named Matt. Another LightRay named Rachel rose up with them and made sure they didn’t fall.
“Makayla and Matt are in training right now,” Rachel explained. “I’m just making sure they don’t go too fast, or drop you.”
Eliza smiled, knowing that she wasn’t the only one that was doing her job for the first time. She looked over at Danny, and caught his eye. He quickly looked away. Eliza grinned. Maybe he does like me, she thought.
Finally after a little while, they arrived back at RainyDay. They thanked the LightRays and watched them soar gracefully back toward Sun.
Eliza turned to Danny. “Thanks for your help,” she said.
“Anytime!” Danny replied. “We should hang out sometime.”
“Ya, we should!” Eliza agreed, trying not to skip about with excitement at the suggestion. Danny looked like he was restraining from doing the same thing. They smiled at each other and said their goodbyes.
As Eliza flowed away, she looked back. Danny was still standing there, watching her go. She grinned, waved, and continued on.
Well, one thing lead to another, and Eliza and Danny got married after a few months of RainDating. And just to let you know. . .
They lived happily ever after.
"The Final Judgment is not just an evaluation of a sum total of good and evil acts--what we have done. It is an acknowledgement of the final effect of our acts and thoughts-- what we have become." - Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Friday, April 24, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. . ." ha ha. Sound familiar? Well, if you live in Utah right now, it should make sense!! Last week was Spring Break. . . But it was snowing!! Now we're back at school, and the weather is perfect!! How lame-o?
I loved being back at school with the rest of my friends, but I was sooooo no ready to get up this morning. Last night, I ended up laying in bed for almost an hour before I could get to sleep. Ha ha, and when my alarm clock went off this morning, I almost wet myself cuz I was so scared. :D
In my CompTech class, we're making powerpoints about ourselves, and we had to put a picture of our "Family Car" on there. Lol, so my friend and I went online and were trying to find the most amazing cars we could find to put on there. This is the one I found.
I loved being back at school with the rest of my friends, but I was sooooo no ready to get up this morning. Last night, I ended up laying in bed for almost an hour before I could get to sleep. Ha ha, and when my alarm clock went off this morning, I almost wet myself cuz I was so scared. :D
In my CompTech class, we're making powerpoints about ourselves, and we had to put a picture of our "Family Car" on there. Lol, so my friend and I went online and were trying to find the most amazing cars we could find to put on there. This is the one I found.

What do ya think?! Ha ha.
I wish we had that car. Lol. Seriously.
Anyway, what else. ..
Oh ya! Spencer is moving out in about a week and a half. Sad, but exciting for him!! Also, when he moves out, I'm probably going to move into the den. I'm so happy! It's great cuz it has built-in shelves and a better closet, and I like the window better. So I'm totally psyched!!
Lol. Anyway, I gotta go. So ttyl! And remember: Love yourself, for if you don't, how can you expect anyone else to? Ha ha. Deep I know, but it's actually a quote but I can't find who it's by. But remember it all the same. Love you all!!
Anyway, what else. ..
Oh ya! Spencer is moving out in about a week and a half. Sad, but exciting for him!! Also, when he moves out, I'm probably going to move into the den. I'm so happy! It's great cuz it has built-in shelves and a better closet, and I like the window better. So I'm totally psyched!!
Lol. Anyway, I gotta go. So ttyl! And remember: Love yourself, for if you don't, how can you expect anyone else to? Ha ha. Deep I know, but it's actually a quote but I can't find who it's by. But remember it all the same. Love you all!!
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