Anyway, yesterday in math, the guy I like borrowed my pen. It's so stupid that I'm so happy about that, but I feel all special! And then today, he wrote my name up on the board. I volunteered to lead the music, and he was the one passing out assignments today. So ya! I think I'm kind of stupid though because there's this in my math class, we'll call her Jenny, and for the sake of the story we'll call the guy I like. . . Fred. Ok? So anyway, Jenny is one of those people that you look at and you think, "If I could be like you, every guy in this room would be digging me." She's nice and funny and skinny as a twig, and beautiful eyes, and NO BRACES, and her make-up and hair is always perfect, and she wears really trendy clothes, and I could go on and on. Anyway, Fred (LOL. He doesn't look like a Fred.) and a lot of the other freshman boys are always talking to her and they kind of flirt with her. Being the jealous meanie that I am, I sit there pretending not to care, when really I want to shove her in one of the lockers by Mr. Cluff's room (I'd probably put her in Taylor's cuz her's is right there) so that Fred will pay attention to me for more than 5 seconds. Anyway, there you go. I'm not trying to be mean about Jenny, I'm just telling how it is. Ya, so during seminary today, Fred payed attention to me for about 20 seconds! Yay! Thanks Fred! Jk.
Enough of that nonsense. May I just say that I love the show "Saturday Night Live." The only time I've ever seen it is during the election this last month. It is one of the most hilarious shows ever. They make fun of the candidates and stuff. It's pretty entertaining to watch the actors that are on there, try to act out the candidates. Will Farell was on there the other day, and he was George Bush. He was hilarious! They were acting out the endorsement of John McCain. And this one actor who's being Sarah Palin, she is so funny! Anyway, if you get the chance, you should watch it on
Right now I'm listening to Disturbia, and now it's going to be stuck in my head forever! Lauren and I were watching the music video today, and I was almost hyperventilating cuz that thing is so creepy! Lauren said it's supposed to be like a Halloweeny type song and I understand why. Although, it is a good song.
You've probably noticed the song "Don't Cha" by The cat Dolls. I know what you're thinking: "She is really weird if she put that on there!" Well, actually, I was introduced to that song at s Camp. Funnily enough, it was one of our cheers. And it was one of the most amazing cheers ever! Jk.
I also put on one of my favorite songs of all time. It's called "Song in My Head" by Julianne Hough. In the song, she's at a party, and she sees this guy sitting on the back of a truck. He's listening to the music that's playing, and swaying back and forth. In the chorus she says, "I don't know who sings it, I keep searching the radio, I just wanna hear it, so I can watch that video I got in my head of a blue-eyed boy, dancing in the bed of a two-tone ford. Oh is it love? I just can't say, but I've had that song in my head all day." Isn't that cute? I LOVE THAT SONG!!
I put on a song called "I heart ?" by Taylor Swift. It's a good song too. Anyway, my point is that I really did put on good songs.
Hmmm. . . what else to say. . . Oh ya!

And my favorite singer right now is Toby Keith. My favorite songs of his are, Go With Her, Love Me If You Can, and Wanna Talk About Me.

Anyway, there you go. I have to go do homework. :( Ttyl! :)
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