

"The Final Judgment is not just an evaluation of a sum total of good and evil acts--what we have done. It is an acknowledgement of the final effect of our acts and thoughts-- what we have become." - Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Random Stuff

Hey guys!! How's it going? Seems like it's been forever! It's been over a week!! Lol. Anyway, I have a few things to share.
So on Wednesday I had a choir concert. It was pretty fun! We did pretty well, and I had a good time hanging out with my friends.
I got my bangs cut today, so they're not monstrously long anymore!! Yay!!
Something not so great, my throat is sore at the moment. You know how your throat feels after you've been screaming your head off at a football game? Well, that's how it is. Which is really interesting, because I haven't been to any football games recently, and I also haven't been screaming for any number of hours lately.
Also, I wrote a poem. It's kinda depressing, but I think it's alright. Ready? Here you go:

Nothing But Sorrow

Used to wake with a smile
But the journey's old after all these miles.
Can't seem to find my way out
What's my story supposed to be about.

I journeyed with ease,
I chased all my dreams,
Everyday was full of light
But now it's dark as night.

The road's covered in broken glass
Ruining the simple walk I used to have.
They say that change helps us grow
But for me it's caused nothing but sorrow.

Ha ha. Well, I hope you liked it. If you have any suggestions, just let me know!! Well, I gotta go. Love you all!!

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