You wake up and you're not in the best mood of your life, by any means, but you're determined to keep your happy mask on, whatever it takes. This leads to ingredient one. PRAYER. This praying actually started late the night before, and is now, again, needed to keep yourself together. "Prayer is one of the most precious gifts of God to man." -Elder J. Devn Cornish. Apply this at the start of your day, and then repeat as many times as needed throughout the day.
You continue off to work, and there we find ingredient two. DISTRACTION. Keep your mind busy. Don't let yourself sit with nothing to do. Find new projects and ways to improve your already completed projects in order to stay distracted. In addition, you may also want to have silly discussions with your co-worker and listen to country music. You might also find that when random guys walk into your cubicle, asking if they can repair the hole in your wall next week, you will find yourself achieving the goal of "distraction." (This does not mean you need to punch a hole in the wall to get a guy to try to fix it for you. That would lead to anger management classes, which would be extremely tedious, and deter from the "distraction" goal.)
After you've left work, you will want to add a splash of ingredient three. THOR. Ok. Maybe more than a splash... How about a whole pool full? I mean... Look at him. Chris Hemsworth. Do we need to say anything more? No. I didn't think so.
Thor: [walking into a pet shop] I need a horse!
Pet Store Clerk: We don't have horses. Just dogs, cats, birds.
Thor: Then give me one of those large enough to ride.
Fourth ingredient. CLOSE FRIEND. Talk to someone about why you're not so happy. Keeping your feelings bottled inside can lead to unhappiness, which is the opposite of what we're trying to achieve here. If you happen to choose Jordan Stout, he will listen to you, offer advice, and then suggest that you go on an adventure to get you away from your unhappiness. He might lead you to Barnes & Noble, where he will look for a specific book, searching the whole entire section, just to find it on the very end of the shelf. He will also hand you a book entitled Darth Vader and Son, to read as you wait for him to check out. Afterwards, you might go to the grocery store for your mom, which leads us to our next ingredient. MACEY'S SHOPPING CARTS.
You see, not only does Macey's have food and goodies, but it also has shopping carts. Contrary to popular belief, these are best maneuvered by leaning over the handle bar, and placing one's feet on the floor, and using them in a stealth like manner in order to steer. Your friend might become very good at 360's and at making smooth, gliding turns that get him exactly where he wants to go. You might feel a bit envious of his hidden talent. But don't give in to this envy. Remember that you have the hidden talent of backward granny shots (and besides, your friend's toes are all dirty now).

we will stir in lots of HOPE. President Uchtdorf says, "Hope... is like the beam of sunlight rising up and above the horizon of our present circumstances. It pierces the darkness with a brilliant dawn. It encourages and inspires us to place our trust in the loving care of an eternal Heavenly Father, who has prepared a way for those who seek for eternal truth in a world of relativism, confusion, and of fear." Yes, right now you might feel a bit unhappy. You might not be at the top of your game. You might feel a little stretched from keeping a smile on your face all day. But soon that smile won't be forced, it'll be real. Look to the future. Even dare to look at your life as it is right now, and think of all of the amazing, and also simple, things that you've been blessed with. Have an eternal perspective and think of what is truly important, what's to come, and what's best for you. Have hope in Heavenly Father, and trust that He knows what He's doing, and that He understands you. He longs to help you if only you'll go to Him in prayer. You are not alone.
If you follow this recipe, you will turn that emotional frown, upside down! I promise that your day will be a million times better if you decide to change your own attitude, and rely on the strength of the Lord as you act on this determination.
It's been a good day. :) And may yours be just as good as mine. :)
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