After a year of absence, I am back! Quick summary of life in the last 12 months: I rocked my senior year of high school, and I graduated! It is now summer, and I am working up at BYU in the Dean of Students' office, and I will be starting a second job on Monday I think...

Today is my coworker's birthday. Her name is Alexis, and she's pretty fantastic! Lauren, Lindsay Conrad, and I came up last night to decorate the cubicle. We were here for almost an hour and a half! In the process Lindsay almost died, we used a ton of staplers, Lauren and I wrestled with the balloons (getting them into and out of the trunk), and we multiplied our designer abilities by at least 10. Needless to say, Alexis was slightly surprised this morning... ;) She was also surprised when Dean Heperi came in, got on youtube, and sang to her this strange oldies song that was apparently super famous... Anyway. Happy Birthday, Alexis! :)

I love my job. Alexis and I got to design the t shirts for the BYU rugby team, and we had a lot of fun and frustration over that. But the designs turned out great! We are now working on ordering them.
Lately I've been in this DIY mood where I want to make everything myself! I'm going to try sewing a maxi skirt, and if that fails, this DIY thingy might dissipate. Quickly. But we'll see! I'll let you know how that one goes. Another thing that got started this summer is my determination to be as active as possible. Lauren and I have aspired to run at 6:15 each morning. The mornings we actually do it, we feel fantastic for the rest of the day! But... that requires actually getting out of bed. Who knew that would be so difficult?? But we're working on it. I have also biked to work a few times, and I love that! My bike is having some issues though... so until I get those resolved, I'll be using vehicular transportation.
Yep. Life is good, and things are looking up! :)
Rachel :)
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